Way2go SIM Pick-up Locations
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In Vietnam

Consortio Counter at Tan Son Nhat International Airport                                   

Hotline: +84 902227715

1. Arrival Hall - BEFORE Immigration


  • Located 10 Meters BEFORE Immigration Counter
  • Adjacent Internal Landscape, opposite to the International Time Zone Clocks Area

2.  At EXIT A1 + EXIT A2 -  AFTER Immigration


  • After collecting your luggage and proceeding along the baggage conveyor, you will leave the Customs Clearance Area through Exit A1 or A2
  • Look for the FIRST COUNTER row/line on your left at EXIT A1 or A2 to find CONSORTIO Counter


  • After collecting your luggage and proceeding along the baggage conveyor, you will leave the Customs Clearance Area through Exit A1 or A2
  • G3 COUNTER: At Exit A1, please turn right. At Exit A2, please turn left to find the CONSORTIO Counter located in the middle of the Arrival Hall
  • G4 COUNTER: At both Exit A1 and Exit A2, please turn right to find the CONSORTIO Counter located in the right of the Arrival Hall

Way2go’s Travel Information Counter at Hanoi Old Quarter

Address: 82 Nguyen Huu Huan, Ly Thai To Ward, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi

Hotline: +84 902227715

International Gate, K-L Check-in Island, Tan Son Nhat Airport (Temporarily closed)

Consortio Store

Hotline: +84 349913399

1. Way2go's Travel Information Counter at Hanoi Old Quarter

Address: 82 Nguyen Huu Huan, Ly Thai To Ward, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi

Hotline: +84 93606954

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