About Way2go | The Best in Travel SIM Solution
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Way2go Global Travel SIM

Enrich your travel experience while staying connected

Our Story

Consortio Vietnam, official founded in 2010, is a reputable company distributing travel SIM and offering services that enrich travel experiences. It is known for its custom-designed Way2go travel SIM products with integrated services and travel information for international tourists visiting Vietnam and Vietnamese tourists traveling abroad.

Served over
2 Mn Customers
Coverage over
200 Countries
Our Mission

Our Vision

Becoming a strong and respected company providing products and services that elevate travel experiences

Our Mission

Way2go aspires to become the trusted travel companion for people worldwide by enhancing travel experiences and celebrating journeys through cross-cultural communication.

Our Values

Collaboration: We collaborate closely with partners to create sustainable value, fostering connections with customers through respect, sincerity, and joy.

Courage: We pioneer the selection and development of specialized products and services, think differently and act courageously to overcome challenges and stereotypes.

Creativity: We embrace positive differences, constantly refining and innovating to create value that aligns with current trends and customer needs.

Compassion: We understand, share, and spread happiness and love.

Our Values

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To achieve more enduring values, please email us at



Way2go Global Travel SIM

Enrich your travel experience while staying connected

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